If you're still trying to figure out what your true calling is, a free career interest test can help. 如果你还没弄明白自己真正的职业兴趣是什么,那就做一个职业兴趣测试吧。
However, this data is not typically of interest in a large performance test run. 但是,在大型性能测试中,通常对此数据不感兴趣。
Taking a career interest test can help you understand yourself your interests, skills, personality and discover your true calling. 职业测试可以帮助你更好的了解自己,如找到自己的兴趣所在,发掘自己的特长,了解你的性格,并且,职业测试也可以让你发现自己真正的需求。
The lesson of Syria is that, as a selective superpower, the US applies a tougher national interest test before committing blood and treasure to foreign adventures. 叙利亚事态的教训是,作为一个选择性的超级大国,美国在让军人冒生命危险、并投入资源进行海外干预之前,将应用更严格的国家利益标准。
He actually wrote to well-known astronomers trying to interest them in doing the test and was a little discouraged I think. 他实际上写信给著名的天文学家试图让他们对这种测试感兴趣而结果我想他有点气馁。
Balance of interest test 利益均衡的检验标准
It is of considerable interest in the test of correlation and homogeneity of variance in many practical studies. 在时间序列回归模型分析中,相关性和方差齐性的检验是一个很基本的问题。
If you are unsure of what your work personality is you can take a career interest test to find out. 如果你不确定你的工作个性是什么,你可以通过做职业兴趣测试来定位。
The "legally protected interest" test suffered from a number of deficiencies that led to its eventual rejection. “法律保障的利益”标准存在若干缺陷,最终免不了被淘汰。
Strong Vocational Interest Test 斯特朗职业兴趣测验
Australia last year reinforced its "national interest" test when investments are made in the country by foreign state-owned companies. 去年,当外国国有企业在澳大利亚投资时,澳大利亚加强了其“国家利益”审查。
Develop the Interest Test, Scientifically Guide Student's Selection of University and Specialty 开展兴趣测验科学指导高考志愿的选择
GMM Estimation for Single factor Term Structure of Interest Rate Models and the Empirical Test of Chinese Money Market 单因子利率期限结构模型的广义矩估计及对中国货币市场的实证检验
Software for weed identification was developed by use of Visual C++. It can be used in image analyzing and area of interest test. It can also provide software and technology support for developing weed identification system. 利用Visualc++编制了一套杂草识别软件,可用于图像分析和AOI试验,为计算机杂草识别系统的研发提供了软件和技术支持。
This paper utilizes the bond repurchase interest rate date to test these theories. 本文利用中国银行间债券回购数据对期限结构理论进行了实证检验,从而否定了合理预期理论。
Public Interest Test in the Freedom of Information Act 论信息公开法中的公共利益测试
It is one term career consultancy service instrument to an expert in text withal career and interest test meter for established foundation, career and interest test meter, aim at aid subject doom their education and employment plan to. 本文以生涯与兴趣量表为专家系统建立的基础,生涯与兴趣量表是一项生涯咨询服务工具,目的在帮助受试者决定他们的教育与就业计划。
The Real Interest Rate Gap Model and Demonstration Test in China 中国实际利率缺口模型与实证检验
Holland's VPI and so on from the birth of E. K. Strong's the-ory of vocational interest test in 1927 up to now. 自1927年产生的斯特朗职业兴趣测验理论至今,有关职业兴趣的研究蓬勃兴起,其代表人物及其理论包括斯特朗、坎贝尔的SCII,库德的KOIS,霍兰德的VPI等。
Economic Interest is the Sole Test of Insurable Interest 经济可保利益研究
The protection mechanisms of national security exception are including damage testing, the public interest test, veto system of ministers, mechanism of the whether existence or not etc. 国家安全例外的保护机制有损害测试、公共利益测试、部长否决权制度、存在与否机制等。
Meanwhile, public interest test and the third party consultation mechanism are often used to protect commercially-sensitive information. 同时,公共利益衡量和第三方协商机制也常被用来保护商业敏感性信息。
User interest hierarchy algorithm is split the test Chinese SMS into some levels. 用户兴趣分层算法是对测试的中文短信集进行层次划分。
Sample data span used in the effectiveness of the interest rate transmission mechanism test is from July 1997 to November 2009 which covers two economic cycles and a short period of financial crises. 利率传导机制有效性的检验是依据1997年7月至2009年11月的月度数据,样本数据的范围跨度涵盖了我国从紧缩到扩张两个经济周期以及金融危机影响的短暂紧缩阶段。
How to change the existing land requisition compensation system further fair enjoyment of the relevant interest groups are constantly test the wisdom of the leaders, making the land value-added. 如何进一步的变革既有的征地补偿制度,使得土地增值能够被相关利益群体公平的享受正在不断的考验着执政者的智慧。
Meanwhile, this paper has the innovative direct selection of the net interest margin as test variables, the profitability of commercial banks is expected to intuitively reflect pressure conditions and the soundness of the financial system. 同时,本文具有创新性的直接选用净息差作为测试变量,可以直观的反映压力条件下商业银行的盈利能力预期和金融体系的稳健性。
[ 21] In 1970s and 1980s abroad, there aroused great interest and related studies about cloze test. [21]19世纪70、80年代,在国外产生了一些对完形填空测试相关研究的巨大兴趣。
According to the interest points of test requirements of section to generate program slicing, and then generate the corresponding test cases for the points in slicing. 根据测试需求的兴趣点生成切片,并为切片中的节点生成相应的测试用例。
In this sense, MIT applied to English reading teaching in higher vocational colleges is effective to arouse students 'interest, improve their test scores and finally realize the teaching objectives. 从这个意义上讲,将多元智能理论应用到高职英语阅读教学中能提高学生学习成绩和兴趣,是能实现有效教学目的的。